Just In: Primoz Roglic open letter to Tour de France Management on management style…

Dear Tour de France Management,

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the current management style employed during the Tour de France.

As a competitor and a professional cyclist, I believe it is crucial that we have an open dialogue about certain practices that impact the integrity and fairness of this prestigious event.

Firstly, the consistency and transparency of race regulations need improvement. There have been instances where decisions seemed arbitrary or unclear, leading to confusion among riders and teams.

Clarity in rules is essential to ensure that all participants compete on a level playing field.

Secondly, communication between management and riders could be enhanced. Many decisions that affect us directly seem to be made without our input or adequate consultation.

This lack of consultation can lead to frustration and hinder our ability to perform at our best.

Furthermore, the safety of riders should be a top priority. While cycling is inherently risky, more can be done to minimize unnecessary dangers during stages.

Better coordination with local authorities and stricter enforcement of safety protocols are essential steps towards achieving this goal.

Lastly, I urge management to consider the well-being of riders beyond just the competitive aspects.

The Tour de France is physically and mentally demanding, and adequate support systems should be in place to ensure our health and recovery throughout the event.

In conclusion, I hope that my concerns are taken seriously and that we can work together to improve the management style of the Tour de France.

By fostering a more collaborative and transparent environment, we can uphold the integrity of this historic race and ensure its continued success for years to come.


Primoz Roglic

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